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COMM 201


Information from this page was found on the ProQuest libguide for RefWorks:

What can RefWorks do for you?

  • Collect, manage, and organize your research papers and documents
  • Annotate, organize, and cite your research
  • Collaborate by sharing collections
  • Drag and drop (for saving) documents and bibliographic data
  • Create shortcut link on the browser to capture research from websites
  • Format papers with in-text citations or footnotes.
  • Change existing in-text citations and reference list to a different style with one click

Scroll down this page to find information about:

  • Logging into RefWorks/Creating an Account (How to find/establish Roosevelt RefWorks accounts)
  • Importing References from Mendeley, Zotero, and Others into Your RefWorks account (Moving references from other tools into your RefWorks account)
  • Upload document(s), from your computer, into Your RefWorks Account
  • Installing Write-N-Cite For Microsoft Word
  • Using RefWorks with Google Docs
  • RefWorks Shortcut in Google Scholar
  • Saving to RefWorks Manually
  • Entering Full-Text From Summon (Summon is where our databases reside)
  • Creating RefWorks Shortcut for Browser (To save information from web pages)
  • Using Write-N-Cite to Write and Format Papers (Create in paper citations and auto-populate reference list while writing your paper.)

Logging In To RefWorks/Creating an Account

1. Go to the Library home page

2. Scroll down to the Apps section and select RefWorks
Image for finding the RefWorks link on library home page

3. Log in or create a new account. You must use your Roosevelt email address!

Image showing where to find the create an account link for RefWorks

Importing References from Mendeley, Zotero, and Others into Your RefWorks Account

Image showing where to find the import references option in RefWorks

Select the + sign on the top toolbar and choose Import reference:


You can also manually move your Mendeley database.  Here’s how:
  1. From Mendeley Desktop, select record(s) and right-click. Select Export, Research Information Systems (*ris).
  2. A dialog box appears for you to select the location where you want to save the file. Type a file name and select a location to save the file.
  3. In RefWorks, click the Add a reference icon, then select Import References
  4. Drag and drop the saved file into RefWorks into the box, or use the link to “select a file from your computer” and upload it. 
  1. Select references. 
  2. Right-click and choose Export Selected Items. Choose RIS. Save the file.
  3. In RefWorks, click the Add a reference icon, then select Import References
  4. Drag and drop the saved file into RefWorks into the box, or use the link to “select a file from your computer” and upload it. 
  1. You can easily import your EndNote into your RefWorks account:In EndNote, go to Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager
  2. Check “RefMan (RIS) Export”.
  3. In your EndNote library, select the references you would like to export.
  4. Go to File > Export and save the file, making sure the output styles field is set to “RefMan (RIS) Export”.
  5. In RefWorks, click the Add a reference icon, then select Import References
  6. Drag and drop the saved file into RefWorks into the box, or use the link to “select a file from your computer” and upload it. 
  1. From the library view select the article or articles and right-click to bring up Export Options.
  2. Select Export to RefMan (RIS) file and save the file.
  3. In RefWorks, click the Add a reference icon, then select Import References
  4. Drag and drop the saved file into RefWorks into the box, or use the link to “select a file from your computer” and upload it. 
  1. In your Papers library, highlight the references you want to export.
  2. Under the File menu, choose 'Export...' and choose the Refman RIS option. Save the file.
  3. In RefWorks, click the Add a reference icon, then select Import References
  4. Drag and drop the saved file into RefWorks into the box, or use the link to “select a file from your computer” and upload it. 


Installing Write-N-Cite for Microsoft Word

The following information is from the Using Write-N-Cite to Write and Format Your Paper box on the New RefWorks: Using Write-N-Cite for Microsoft Word to Write and Format Your Paper libguide from ProQuest.

Write-N-Cite is a utility that allows users to run an abbreviated version of  RefWorks in Microsoft Word. You can access your references by folder (or sub-folder), by quick search or by all references with the ability to sort by author, title or year.

With Write-N-Cite, you can cite references in a manuscript with just a click and watch your paper format instantly including in-text citations, footnotes, and your bibliography.  The utility installs a RefWorks tab in the MS Word ribbon or you can access it from the References tab in Microsoft Word.

Working online or offline is seamless – no need to be connected to the internet – and you can share documents between the Windows and Mac versions of Write-N-Cite seamlessly.

Installing Write-N-Cite:

1. Go to Tools

Image showing the location of tools in RefWorks

2. Select Download and Install

Image showing the install button for Write n Cite in RefWorks

3. You will now see a RefWorks Ribbon in Microsoft  Word

Image showing the RefWorks ribbon in Microsoft Word


RefWorks Shortcut in Google Scholar

1. Do a search in Google Scholar and select the Cite shortcut

Image showing the cite link in Google Scholar

2. In the Cite pop-up window select the desired citation style and then RefWorks

Image showing the RefWorks link in Google Scholar