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HIST 319/POS 319


Pop Culture Resources

IMDB: Information and news about movies, TV shows, celebrities, and more.

Know Your Meme: Website for memes, videos, forums, etc. about pop culture topics. There is an indication of whether or not the memes have been confirmed. Searchable, and organized by Featured, Random, Most Popular, and Community.

Twitter: Home site where you can find what is trending in Sports, News, Music, Entertainment, Lifestyle, and more. There is also a search feature.

YouTube: Home page for searching archived or trending videos.


Subject-Specific Encyclopedias/Databases

United Nations iLibrary
Books, Papers, and Statistics organized by themes such as Drug Crime & Terrorism, Economic & Social Development, Population Growth, Environment & Climate Change, Human Rights & Refugees, Population & Demography, Public Health, Women & Gender Issues, and more. The site can be searched by theme, by country, or by a combination of the two.

Popular Magazines

Magazines on Google: Some popular magazines found on Google.

Nonprofit Organizations and NGO's

Great Nonprofits Near Me: You can see a list and descriptions of nonprofits in Chicago. When you have located the organization you want, find the site on the Web.

Worldwide NGO Directory: Find NGOs by searching the country and area of activity. When you have found the desired NGO, you can find their site on the Web.

Government sites for NGO's This link will take you to a Google search of government sites that deal with Non-Profit Governmental Organizations.

Government Sources and Statistics

Sources for Food Issues

Food First: Exploring Myths & Inspiring Change: Website (also known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy) for a nonprofit organization that uses education, research and action to end injustices that cause hunger.

Public Health & Social Justice: Website containing articles and slide shows about many topics (including genetically-modified organisms, food irradiation, agricultural antibiotics, food justice, and sustainable agriculture.

Site Search

You can find official government or educational information by typing the following in the Google search bar: starbucks and eeo starbucks and eeo