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PowerNotes Workshop


  1. Create accounts
  2. Create a project (Paper or Plastic?)
    • Set citation style to APA
    • Give library research question as information: Paper bags or plastic bags, which are the most sustainable solution for the environment?
    • Create possible outline subtopics
      • Introduction
      • Importance of the topic
      • Pros for plastic
      • Cons for plastic
      • Pros for paper 
      • Cons for paper
    • Article: "Dirge for a Plastic Bag"
  3. Your dashboard
    • Your projects
    • Tech support
    • PowerNotes Guides
  4. Using PowerNotes with a saved article "Dirge for a Plastic Bag Part 2 (see pdf below)
  5. Activity: add information to your notes
    • From the online article "Plastics Recycling and Sustainability"
    • From a saved article "The Environmental Impact of Plastic Grocery Bags and Their Alternatives" (see pdf below)
    • Change citation style to Chicago 17th (author-date)
  6. Open the outline
  7. Export project outline to Word
  8. Project outline to writing your first draft
  9. Tracking sources & citation management
  10. Activity: add to project
  11. Inserting links and photos
  12. Sharing projects & collaboration