On this page there are sites for finding Public Domain and Creative Commons photos. Although Public Domain Images require no attribution, it is best practice to include a link to the photo and to attribute the photographer and the website where you found the photo (e.g., Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash) . Creative Commons Images have seven different licenses. You must pay attention to the license acronyms and cite accordingly. Below is a chart, found on Wikipedia, that describes what can and cannot be done with images that have the various licenses.
Digital Image Found on a Photo Website:
Creators's last name, first name (if available). Title of Image or Description of image.
Date of creation. Title of the Website where the image is located. Publisher or
sponsor of the site (if available). Medium of publication ("Web"). Date of access
(Day Month (abbreviated) Year).
Salgado, Jose. Up Close and Personal with the Very Large Telescope. 6 Dec. 2010.
ESO Picture of the Week. European Southern Observatory. Web. 9 April. 2011.
Sayer, Larissa. Nurse Log. 27 Jan. 2007. Flickr. Yahoo! Web. 7 Apr. 2011
Digital Image Found in an Article on a Website:
Creator's Last name, First name (if available). "Title of the digital image." Title of the
website, First name Last name of and contributors, Version (if applicable), Number
(if applicable), Publisher, Publication date, URL.
Vasquez, Gary A. Photograph of Coach K with Team USA. NBC Olympics, USA Today
Sports, 5 Aug. 2016, Retrieved from www.nbcolympics.com/news/rio-olympics-coach-ks-toughest-test-or-lasting-legacy.
See Photographs in Reference List word document found in the Examples of In-text Citation, Reference Lists, and Annotated Bibliography box located at the bottom of the APA Style page.
These pictures require no attribution but it is best practice to give credit by including a link to the photo and credit the photographer and the site where the photo was found. (E.g., Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash)
See the chart above to determine whether or not you are allowed to use the photo and what type of attribution is necessary.
Flicker (You need to create an account)
100+ AMAZING Free Stock Images & Photo Resources for 2018: Pay attention to the licensing for each photo. Some are public domain and others are Creative Commons. Remember that CC0 is the only type of licensing that has no restrictions on use and does not need to be cited. However, it is always good practice to give attribution.