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Open Educational Resources (OER): Creating OER

Information and resources for finding, creating, and engaging with OER

Steps to Create OER

  1. Identify the Topic: Decide on the subject or topic for which you want to create educational resources. Consider your expertise, interests, and the needs of the intended audience.

  2. Set Learning Objectives: Clearly define the learning objectives you want to achieve with your resources. These objectives will guide the development process and help learners understand what they can expect to gain from the materials.

  3. Plan the Content: Determine the scope and structure of your educational resources. Outline the key concepts, subtopics, and the order in which they will be presented. Consider using a variety of media such as text, images, videos, and interactive elements to enhance engagement.

  4. Create the Content: Develop the actual educational materials based on your plan. This can include writing articles, creating presentations, recording videos, designing infographics, developing quizzes or exercises, and more. Use clear and concise language, and ensure the content is accurate and up-to-date.

  5. Use Open Licenses: To make your resources openly available, choose an open license that clearly states the permissions and conditions for reuse. Creative Commons licenses are commonly used for OER. Determine whether you want to allow modifications, commercial use, and if any attribution is required.

  6. Format and Structure: Organize the content in a user-friendly format. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and other formatting techniques to improve readability. Consider using open and interoperable file formats (e.g., PDF, HTML, EPUB) to make the resources accessible across various devices and platforms.

  7. Incorporate Accessibility: Ensure your resources are accessible to diverse learners, including those with disabilities. Use appropriate color contrast, provide alternative text for images, use clear fonts, and make the materials compatible with screen readers. Consider providing transcripts or captions for multimedia elements.

  8. Provide Examples and Activities: Include examples, case studies, and practical activities to help learners apply the knowledge they acquire. This fosters active engagement and deeper understanding.

  9. Review and Refine: Seek feedback from educators, peers, or potential users to improve the quality of your resources. Revise and refine the content based on the feedback received.

  10. Share and Distribute: Publish your OER on suitable platforms such as open educational repositories, websites, or learning management systems. Make sure to provide clear instructions on how to access and use the resources. Promote your materials through social media, professional networks, and relevant communities.

  11. Maintain and Update: Regularly review and update your OER to keep the content relevant and accurate. Encourage users to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Remember, creating OER is a collaborative and ongoing process. Engage with the community of educators and learners, encourage contributions, and embrace the principles of openness and sharing to maximize the impact of your educational resources.

Ideas for OER Course Materials

  • Textbooks
    • Comprehensive
    • Modular
    • Remixing/Revising/Updating existing OER textbooks
  • Lecture Notes
    • Outline or summary of key points
    • Written notes
    • Slides
    • Video presentation
  • Slide Presentations
  • Assignments
    • Activities
    • Problem sets
    • Case studies
    • Group projects
  • Exams and Quizzes
    • Sample exams
    • Practice quizzes
  • Lab Manuals
    • Instructions for lab experiments
    • Safety guidelines
    • Data collection templates
    • Analysis instructions
  • Interactive Modules
    • Interactive activities
    • Interactive assessments (Check for Understanding)
  • Video Lectures
    • Can be hosted on YouTube or another platform (Link is provided)
  • Course Syllabi
    • Overview of course structure & expectations
    • Provide objectives, learning outcomes, topics, assessment methods, & expectations
  • Multimedia Resources
    • Images
    • Infographics
    • Audio clips
    • Animations
    • Interactive simulations

Challenges, Benefits, Getting Started