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Understanding and Using ChatGPT Effectively

General Rules

  1. Be clear and specific
    • Be concise
    • Don't be vague
  2. Use proper grammar and syntax
    • Use sentence structure
  3. Ask direct questions
    • Not: "Tell me about the weather"
    • Instead "What is the weather forecast for tomorrow in Chicago?
  4. Provide context
    • When necessary, provide details
    • Sometimes background information is needed
  5. Avoid leading or loaded questions
    • Don't frame the question that implies a certain answer
    • This can bias the chatbot
  6. Specify the information you want
    • Example: Can you provide me with statistics on global carbon emissions for the past five years?
  7. Use keywords
    • AI chatbots rely on keywords
  8. Use natural language
    • Phrase your prompt in a natural, conversational manner
    • AI chatbots are trained to understand and respond to human language
  9. Be polite and respectful
    • This will prompt a more positive interaction
  10. Check for spelling errors
    • Misspelled words can confuse the chatbot
  11. Break down complex questions
    • If the question is multi-faceted, break it down into smaller parts
  12. Request clarification when needed
    • Ask for clarification
    • Rephrase question
  13. Use examples or scenarios
    • Present an example or hypothetical scenario
  14. Experiment or iterate
    • Experiment with different phrasing
    • Subtle word changes can make a big difference
  15. Give feedback
    • Tell is whether it is helpful or not helpful
    • Many AI systems learn from user interactions


  1. What are examples of good uses of chatgpt for college students?
  2. What are bad uses of chatgpt for college students?
  3. What are some topics related to social media and cyber crime?
  4. What are some important public policy topics in Chicago?