An online collection of many reference books covering a wide variety of subjects, with entries covering such subjects as medicine, art, technology, law and more.
Credo Reference is an online collection of many reference books covering a wide variety of subjects, with entries covering such subjects as medicine, art, technology, law and more, all aggregated and integrated in a robust search engine.
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering 5 million citations and 2.5 million full-text works from thousands of universities all over the world.
Designed for high school libraries and offers coverage of popular high school magazines and reference books. Wide range of subjects offered including art, history, sports, and music. Over 1,000,000 photos, maps, and flags. Full text magazines include Discover, US News & World Report, Scientific American, and more.
Hundreds of full-text journals and magazines covering many religious and philosophical topics, including world religions, religious history, political philosophy, and philosophy of language.
The Religion Database provides a wide range of primarily full-text, international periodicals for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies of major religions, as well as the most recent trends and scholarly thought. Included are titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.
More than 390,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies.
A companion to the Biography Reference Source database, this encompasses a rich selection of biographic titles, covering popular and important figures in business, film, history, music, politics, sports and more.