This comprehensive compilation of short entries, longer topical essays, and primary source documents chronicles the historical development of the United States from an economic perspective.
Balanced budget multiplier, Laffer curve, Clintonomics...terms like these keep cropping up in the media with ever greater frequency. And, as often as not, when you look them up, you get explanations that only a professional economist could decipher.
Now, the Dictionary of Economics makes the vocabulary of economics accessible to everyone. Written by lexicographers and financial experts Jae K. Shim and Joel G. Siegel, it supplies you with everything you need to acquire a solid working knowledge of these and many more economics-related terms.
Provides summaries of theory and models in key areas of micro and macroeconomics. Topics include an introduction to relevant theory and empirical evidence.
Provides access to many encyclopedias in a variety of academic disciplines, including Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Social Issues, and Sociology.
An online collection of many reference books covering a wide variety of subjects, with entries covering such subjects as medicine, art, technology, law and more.
Credo Reference is an online collection of many reference books covering a wide variety of subjects, with entries covering such subjects as medicine, art, technology, law and more, all aggregated and integrated in a robust search engine.