"Developing a Research or Guiding Question" (by Arizona State University): This video will help you understand the difference between a topic and a research question. It will also help you develop good research questions.
Student Aggression/Violence
Role of Guidance Counseling
Student Classroom Behavior Issues
Teenage Problems
Guidance Services in Schools
Career/Academic Guidance
Program Evaluation
Students With Disabilities
Common Types of Research Questions
Comparison Questions (You are comparing two "quantities/samples/groups/etc.)
Example questions
What is the difference in caloric intake of American men and women?
How does the long-term health of players who used steroids compare with those who did not?
Quantity A is greater
Quantity B is greater
The two quantities are equal
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
Cause and Effect Questions(2 types of these questions)
The question gives you the "cause" and asks you to trace the probable "effect"
How does study time affect exam scores for university students?
What effect does growing up in poverty have on a person's ability to escape that poverty level?
The question gives you the "effect" and asks you to discuss or analyze the probable "cause(s)" of that effect
What causes some women to repeatedly get involved in destructive relationships?
What is the impact of genetically engineered food?
Measuring Questions
Example questions
What percentage of American men and women exceed their daily caloric allowance and what can be done to prevent it?
What proportion of American male and female university students use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Linkedin and what affect does it have on their education?
Process Questions
Analysis of how components (processes) of a system contribute to the whole
Usually chronological or linear
Often involve multiple, sequential steps
What are the procedures involved in supply and demand?
Explain the evolution of the two-party system in America from 1796 forward.
Why do you feel everyone in your group didn't agree about_____________?
Why do you think people have different ideas about what is correct?