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CHS 401


  1. Student Aggression/Violence
  2. Role of Guidance Counseling
  3. Student Classroom Behavior Issues
  4. Teenage Problems
  5. Guidance Services in Schools
  6. Career/Academic Guidance
  7. Program Evaluation
  8. Students With Disabilities

Common Types of Research Questions

  • Comparison Questions (You are comparing two "quantities/samples/groups/etc.)
    • Example questions
      • What is the difference in caloric intake of American men and women?
      • How does the long-term health of players who used steroids compare with those who did not?
    • Results
      • Quantity A is greater
      • Quantity B is greater
      • The two quantities are equal
      • The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
  • Cause and Effect Questions (2 types of these questions)
    • ​The question gives you the "cause" and asks you to trace the probable "effect"
      • How does study time affect exam scores for university students?
      • What effect does growing up in poverty have on a person's ability to escape that poverty level?
    • The question gives you the "effect" and asks you to discuss or analyze the probable "cause(s)" of that effect
      • ​What causes some women to repeatedly get involved in destructive relationships?
      • What is the impact of genetically engineered food?
  • Measuring Questions
    • Example questions
      • What percentage of American men and women exceed their daily caloric allowance and what can be done to prevent it?
      • What proportion of American male and female university students use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Linkedin and what affect does it have on their education?
  • Process Questions
    • ​Analysis of how components (processes) of a system contribute to the whole
    • Usually chronological or linear
    • Often involve multiple, sequential steps
    • Examples
      • ​What are the procedures involved in supply and demand?
      • Explain the evolution of the two-party system in America from 1796 forward.
      • Why do you feel everyone in your group didn't agree about_____________?
      • Why do you think people have different ideas about what is correct?