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CHS 401


This page highlights tests and measurements for your class and discusses how to access SPSS on your personal computer. 

Highlighted Test Resources

There are 3 main ways to search for tests:

  • Method 1: By test name
    • e.g., depression in TI Test Name
  • Method 2: By purpose
    • e.g., joy or enjoyment or happy or happiness in PU Purpose
  • Method 3: By category
    • e.g., speech and hearing in SU Test Category

NOTE: DSM-V is now available through  The new edition of the most comprehensive resource used by health professionals, social workers, and forensic and legal specialists to diagnose and classify mental disorders. It is the product of more than 10 years of effort by hundreds of international experts in all aspects of mental health.

Copyright Issues

Copyright Issues

Tests and measurements, regardless of whether they have been published in a journal, are copyright-protected. In order to use a test, you must get permission from the author.

The list of links below will direct you to test publishers.  If you obtain a faculty letter stating the reason for your request, it is often possible to get permission to use the test.

Contact the publisher or author of the test for permissions.

For more information on copyright issues, go to the APA website page Copyright Permissions FAQs