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Company Dossier

Here are the steps for creating a company dossier:

1. Click Menu (upper left-hand corner) and select Company Dossier

Shows Company Dossier option on dropdown menu

2. Type the name in the Company name box. Narrow your search by selecting Only show headquarters locations and by changing Regions/Countries to United States.

Shows where to type in information to find company dossier

3. Click the correct company listing.

Shows results list for search of Starbucks headquarters

4. You will see the Dossier report containing details about financial information and a list of competitors. The links to the left will provide you access to more financial reports, current news articles, and information on any legal cases the company might be involved in.

SWOT Analysis

Here are instructions for finding a SWOT analysis for your company.

1. On Nexis Uni homepage, click on Advanced Search

Shows where to find the Advanced Search link

2. Click on Select a specific content type.

Shows where to find the Select a specific content type link on web page

3. Look under Company and Financial and click on Company Profiles

Shows where to find the Company Profiles link on the web page

4. Scroll down the screen and type the company name in the Company Name field. NOTE: If you only want SWOT analysis, type SWOT in the Publication field.

Shows where to type in Company Name and SWOT in Publication field

5. Click on Search when you have completed the form. Look for the word SWOT in the company descriptions.

Shows where to look for SWOT in the search results list 

6. The next screen displays a list of profiles with information about the company. Use the sort menu to sort the results by date. Use the options under Narrow By (found on the far left) to narrow your search by source, date, industry, keyword, etc.