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Instructions For Printing on Roosevelt Printers


NOTE: These instructions will work from any computer (even your own laptop or home desktop). The print jobs go to a server. You have 2 hours to release the jobs on any of the GreenPrint printers on campus located. See printer locations following instructions.

Instructions For Printing on Roosevelt Printers

  1. Go to
  2. Select "Web Print" tab
  3. Select "Submit a Job"
  4. Choose Auditorium/Wabash location
  5. Select the desired printing option (NOTE: Color printer is in AUD 1009/in the Library)
  6. Upload document(s)
  7. Go to printer kiosk and sign in with your NetID & password (NOTE: You can create a pin to use instead of your password)
  8. Follow instructions to print the document(s)