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Try searching one or a combination of the following keywords in the databases:
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Biological Invasions Evolution (Biology)
Population Genetics
Biology (and cross references)
Forensic Sciences
Transgenic Organisms
Professional societies and associations often publish their own journals where researchers can publish the results of their work. Many of these are scholarly journals, often "peer reviewed", so the research is considered more reliable.
Below is a selected alphabetical list of titles available through the RU catalog. Click on the titles below to see how to access RU's print or online holdings and check for full text availability.
To find out what other journals RU has in biology, click on any title below and type a new journal title in the search box.
This highly thought of open access journal promises a speed and ease of publishing unheard of in most traditional life science journals. Initial decisions on a manuscript are usually made within days. Post-review decisions are made within weeks. Most articles only go through a single round of revisions.
The CSE (formerly CBE style) citation manual is often used for research papers in the sciences. It is based on the Scientific style and format : the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers, which is available at both the Schaumburg and downtown Auditorium libraries. The call number for the print copy is REF T11.S386 2006. It is found on the Write & Cite shelf in the reference area.
The Ohio State University Libraries has a short guide on how to cite journal articles, books, web pages and other commonly used documents using this style.
For more information and examples on how to cite references correctly, please click on the Cite Sources tab at the top.