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Requesting books owned by Roosevelt

If you find a book in the RU Catalog that is available at a different campus, you can request to have that book sent to the library location of your choice.

Log in with your NetID and password. Click the Request link in the middle of the book's page in the catalog (under the Get It section). Click the drop down box next to the words Choose the Pick-Up Institution and Pick-Up Location of the library location you would like to visit to pick up the book. After the request has been sent, you will receive an email in your Roosevelt email account to let you know when the book is available to pick up at that location.

Contact Us

By Phone

Audtorium Building 

Reference: 312-341-3643
Circulation: 312-341-3639



Performing Arts Library


Via Chat

By E-Mail

Click Here to open our e-mail form; we will respond in 1 - 2 business days

Searching the RU Catalog

The quickest option for finding books is to look in the RU Catalog to see if the library owns a copy of the book you need.

  1. Go to the library's home page
  2. The Search box is in the middle of the page.
  3. If you know your book's title or author, type it in the box, and click Search.
  4. If you aren't looking for a specific book and simply want to browse either type some keywords in the box and click Search.

When you have found a book in the RU Catalog, look at the information under Location items.


  • Chicago Circulating Books--Auditorium 10th Floor
    • These books are located in the Auditorium Building and can be checked out.
  • Schaumburg Campus Library--Room 140
    • These books are located at the Schaumburg campus library and can be checked out, except for those with call numbers starting with REF or PERIODICAL.
  • Oversized Books--Ask at Auditorium Reference Desk
    • These books are located in the Auditorium Building, and can be accessed by walking to the end of the library's circulating book collection. These books can be checked out.
  • Performing Arts Library--Chicago--Auditorium 11th Floor
    • These books are located in the Performing Arts Library, on the 11th floor of the Auditorium Building, and can be checked out, except for those with call numbers starting with REF or PERIODICAL..
  • Chicago Reference-- 10th Floor---Non-Circulating
    • These books are located in the Auditorium Building and cannot be checked out.
  • Center for New Deal--Auditorium Bldg--Non-Circulating
    • These books are located in the Center For New Deal Studies and cannot be checked out; to view a book from the Center, inquire at the library reference desk on the 10th floor.
  • Available online to current RU users
    • Books with this location are eBooks that can be read fully online. To access an eBook, click the "Online Access" link to view.

Other locations: Contact us by phone, IM, email, or in person for help if a location not listed above appears.