The pages in this section will help you find resources for your research. The pages include:
Search Tools and Strategies (Determining keywords and how best to use them to find your resources)
Database Information (Explanations of databases, scholarly articles, and peer-reviewed articles)
Evaluating your Online Resources (How to evaluate online resources and an explanation of appropriate use of Wikipedia)
Before beginning your research, take a good look at the assignment requirements and ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is the assignment?
A. Topic?
B. What question am I trying to answer?
2. What are the requirements?
A. Length?
B. Am I asked to use specific resources?
1. Journal article
2. Book
3. Peer-reviewed article
4. Website
C. Am I restricted to certain categories of resources? (See the BMMC guide for an explanation and examples of primary and secondary resources)
1. Primary (Written by the person who did the research; usually in the form of a journal or abstract)
2. Secondary (Written by another person who reviews and cites the original research)
3. Tertiary (A summary or description of the research. The primary research may not be cited)