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DigiPo News Analysis Project


You will be analyzing a claim, found on a traditional or non-traditional news source to determine if it is true, false, or in between. Your analysis will be published on the wiki. The assignment asks you to:

  • Summarize the evidence for and against the claim
  • Report on a combination of expert consensus and your own research
  • Present majority and significant minority views on the subject

Once you have posted on the wiki, the analysis will be public to students throughout the United States. At that time, it can be revised by other students. This will keep the information about the claim up-to-date and enable people to provide additional majority and significant minority views. The end result may strengthen or change the results of the analysis of the claim.

You will be need to complete the following steps:

  • Identify a claim
  • Track the claim to its origin
  • Analyze the reliability of the original source
  • Document appearances of the claim in both traditional and social media
  • Analyze the truth of the claim
  • Assign the claim a status

Look at the following examples to see how to see what is expected as a final product:

  • Out of Focus : Are half of UK kids so emotionally troubled they can't focus at school?
  • North Carolina Voter Suppression : Did the Republican Party send out a press release
    bragging about their voter suppression success?
  • Return to the Bubble? Are we back to the inflated home values that preceded (and
    contributed to) the Great Recession?
  • Black Friday Deaths, 2016 : Has consumerism in the U.S. got us all shooting one
  • Common Core Prediction : Can you really predict Common Core test results using just
    three demographic variables?
  • Trump Mumbai Ad : Is a well-circulated photo of a Trump billboard overlooking poverty
  • Pole Position : Is ice rapidly increasing at both poles, disproving global warming theories?
  • Three Million Illegal Votes : Did three million undocumented immigrants vote for Clinton in
    the recent election?

DigiPo News Analysis Project Page Index

I. Home

  • Introduction
  • Librarian Contact Information
  • DigiPo News Analysis Project Page Index

II. Identify a Claim

  • Process

III. Track Claim to its Source

  • Overview
  • Strategies
  • Tools

IV. Analyze Original Source Reliability

  • Overview
  • Strategies
  • Tools

V. Document History of Claim's Appearance

  • Overview

VI. Analyze Claim's Truth

  • Overview
  • Sample Articles
  • Tools for Analysis

VII. Assign Status

  • Overview
  • True/False Assignment
  • Probability Assignment

Librarian Contact Information

Photo of librarian Barbara Anderson

Barbara Anderson, Ed.D.
Head of Instruction and Learning

Office: 1030 AUD
Phone: 312-341-3647

Email Me