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Honors 398

Helpful Chicago Style Websites

Examples/Tools for Chicago Style

Creating Bibliography and Footnotes

EasyBib Citation Guide? Footnotes

How Footnotes are used and formatted:

  • Note is created each time a source is referenced
  • A superscript number is added to the end of the sentence that is referenced
  • The Footnote should begin with that number and continue numerically with each additional Footnote (i.e., do not restart numbering on a new page)
  • When a source is cited for subsequent instances, the only information needed is the author’s last name, title of publication (it may be shortened), and the date of the publication.
  • Page numbers will be included when using direct quotations (paraphrasing is preferred but sometimes quotations are needed)

Examples of  Footnotes, Shortened Footnotes, and Bibliography entries from the Morling College Library

Citation Generators