\']\k.Many of the sources that deal with industry overviews and trends also include statistical information.
The ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States e-book (also in print for 2010, 2011, & 2012: AUD REF HA202.A36) is a great starting place for finding general information on an industry. This compendium of the most useful government statistical tables also refers you to other sources of information. Use "Industry Canada" to research small business trends in Canada: a) Compare your business to the industry as a whole; b) Find statistics by industry.website may also be of interest.
The U.S. Bureau of the Census completes an Economic Census every five years in years ending in 2 and 7 which provides extensive data on
The Census Bureau also publishes the Current Industry Reports
For additional help with understanding the features, uses, and formats of data in the Economic Census, the Industry Research Using the Economic Census (AUD FOLIO/SCH HC101.B594 2004) is a good resource for explaining Census methods, concepts, data sources, in addition to helping users locate needed Economic Census data.
The Manufacturing Census provides information about the concentration of certain industries (what percentage of the total industry sales are due to the largest 5, 10, 25, 50 companies). "Concentration Ratios" indicate what percentage of the total business in a four digit SIC code is being done by the largest firms in the industry. The Manufacturing, Mining, and Construction Statistics homepage has many more reports to browse.
Manufacturing & Distribution USA (5th edition, 2009). Presents statistics on numerous NAICS classifications in the manufacturing, wholesaling and retail industries. Compiled from the most recent government publications. Covers input-output data by industrial sector when available as well as classifications of leading public and private corporations in each industry.
The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics provides many statistical resources devoted to the airline and freight hauling industries.
The U.S. Energy Information Adminstration collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information.
The U.S. International Trade Administration compiles current information concerning the international trade situation of the nation as well as individual states. Try their TradeStats Express search engine for in-depth international export data.