Information on market share is usually found in the articles in business periodicals and trade journals. The following sources can be used to supplement the information you find in articles and reports.
Market Share Reporter Online: 2008 - 2016 AUD/SCH HF5410.M35 SCH = 1999 - 2007 in print
SRDS Media Solutions Online; provides contact information for local Radio, TV, and Cable stations. Choose a Market, Format, or Primary Demo to show stations meeting that criteria, or click on DMA Profiles & Maps in the upper right side to obtain demographic and economic information on a specific Demographic Metropolitan Area.
World Retail Data and Statistics 2010 print only; SCH HF5429 .W675
International Marketing Data and Statistics 2012 print only; AUD/SCH HA42.I56
World Consumer Lifestyles Databook 2011 print only; AUD/SCH HF5415.32 .W67 2011
New Arab Consumer 2012 print only; AUD/SCH HC415.15 .Z9 C616
Consumer Americas 2011 print only; AUD/SCH HC94 .Z9 C6 2010
Business Rankings Annual Online: 2009 - 2016 Provides “top ten” lists for over 10,000 rankings.
The Neilsen Company provides in-depth marketing "Media Usage" reports on such topics as "The Year in Sports", and "Global Advertising Trends". To download the reports, Neilsen requests that users fill out a form.