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Company and Industry Research

International Industry Information

Industry Information

Encyclopedia of Global Industries    An online Reference book, c2011, in the library's Gale Virtual Reference Library.  Looks at 125 business sectors of global importance and offers profiles of leading corporations and industries.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization   Free publications that cover international business subjects.

Market Share Reporter   Contains information on U.S. and world markets broken down by industry. 

Value Line Investment Survey  Includes industry reports that provide a discussion of current political, economic, and technological developments which may affect the outlook for the industry. 

United Nations Statistical Yearbook  Provides national economic statistics on selected industries for the previous eight years.

Trade Data: Importing, Exporting, & Trade Laws

CRB Commodity Yearbook 
REF HF1041 .C56
Provides U.S. & Global production & trade figures for individual commodities and their futures & option trading.  This great resource can be used to find background information, prices, supply, demand, and trade data regarding individual commodities.  Covers the top ten producing nations with nine years of historical data.  Downtown has the 2007 & 2011 editions; Schaumburg owns 2010 & 2012 editions.

Foreign Trade   The official source for U.S. export and import statistics and responsible for issuing regulations governing the reporting of all export shipments from the United States. If you're searching for import or export statistics, information on export regulations, commodity classifications, or a host of other trade related topics, this is the place to get the information you need.

Importing into the United States
   Fact Sheets and Publications from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
  The International Trade Administration of the US Department of Commerce answers export and import questions, provides country information, tariff and import fee information, and industry information.

International Marketing Information


A common homework assignment that Marketing students are confronted with at some point in their career at Roosevelt is to take a foreign country (like Brazil or Ireland) and research its consumer buying habits in a particular product sphere (for instance, hygeine or footwear).  One place to check is the national official statistical organization for the particular country.  Here are a few resources to check as well.

Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
GVRL Reference E-book

Presents easy-to-understand information on countries and dependencies from around the world. 2012, 13th edition.

World Consumer Lifestyles Databook
AUD & SCH REF HF5415.3 .W67

From Euromonitor:  The databook aims to provide detailed statistics concerning consumer lifestyles, to enable readers to understand who consumers are and the major characteristics of their lifestyles.  Its segments consumers by their income, household profiles, eating, drinking and smoking habits, and many more categories in countries as diverse as Azerbaijan, Japan, and the USA.  Both Downtown and Schaumburg have the 2011 edition in the Reference Collection.

International Marketing Data and Statistics
AUD:  FOLIO HA42 .I56; SCH REF HA42 .I56

From Euromonitor:  Contains information on population, economic indicators, household characteristics, education, industries, cultural indicators, income, etc for nations outside Europe.  Both Downtown and Schaumburg have the 2012 edition.  Downtown's copy is in the Circulating Collection.

Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns 

Provides historical information on U.S. & international marketing campaigns.  Good summaries of successful and failed marketing intiatives.  Each campus has both volumes:  1 (c2000) and 2 (c2007).