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Online Learning Guide

Library Account Questions

VuFind is the what the Roosevelt uses to set up library accounts. Here are some FAQs about VuFind:

What should I enter as my user name?

Your NetID should be your username (Your NetID is the portion of your email address that comes before

What number should I enter for the barcode (I-Share) or Roosevelt ID (Illiad)?

This is the entire number found on the back of your RU ID card. This barcode begins with the numbers 23311, followed by your RU ID number that begins with "9."

How do I reset my password?

Click the Forgot your password? link (even if you know your password and just want to change it) and enter the email address you would have used when you created the account. Then, check your email for an automatically-generated note that contains one link for each catalog account you've associated with that address. The note usually arrives within a minute or two. The "from" address will be ""; the subject line will be "Library Catalog Password Reset."

I am trying to reset my password but I see the message "Username cannot be blank" (and there's nowhere to enter a username!). How do I proceed?

We wish we knew why this problem happens. It seems to affect people who use certain versions of Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. Some people have been able to work around the problem by explicitly allowing cookies from Others have worked around the problem by using another browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, for the password reset function.

I see the warning "You have logged in successfully to the library catalog but your account is currently not synced with your home library's record for you.

If your name has changed, you may need to re-enter the new information in the Your Accounts page. On rare occasions you might see the "…not currently synced…" warning when you log on to the catalog, even though nothing has changed about your account or the corresponding record for you in the library's database of borrowers. It sometimes happens that the catalog is unable to contact the library's database, due to a temporary network outage or other technical difficulty. Sometimes all you need to do is wait a few minutes and log in again. If the problem persists, please contact the libary for assistance.

My address has changed. How do I update my account?

To update the email address for your catalog account, which is the address to which mail will go when you click "Forgot your password?" and is the default address to which output will go when you click "Email this" from a catalog page, log on to the catalog, then select "User Account" from among the options on the right side of the Your Account pages. Enter a new address in the space marked "Email address," then click Submit.

When I try to request something I see the message,"Your request could not be completed: there is at least one block on your account," but the Blocks page says, "You currently have no blocks." What's the problem?

When you click on "Your Account," do you see a message that says, "Warning: You have logged in successfully to VuFind but your VuFind account is not currently synced with your home library account"? If so, that means you need to re-profile your account.

When you click on "Your Account" and then select "Fines" from among the options on the right side of the Your Account pages, does the catalog show that you owe $200 or more across all I-Share libraries, even though you don't owe that much to any one library? In this situation you will be blocked from requesting materials in I-Share even though no block message displays on the Blocks page. Contact the Roosevelt Library for help.

I see the message "Your account is not valid (perhaps expired)." What do I need to do?

Log on to your account in the catalog, then select "Blocks" from among the options on the right side of the Your Account pages. Do you see a message that says, "Block type: Patron registration expired"? Contact the Roosevelt Library for help.

On that same "Blocks" page, or possibly on the "Fines" page, do you see situations that you need to resolve with one or more libraries, such as overdue items you need to return or lost items for which you need to pay? Contact the Roosevelt Library for help.

Why does the catalog set cookies?

VuFind uses cookies to manage logged-in sessions. If your browser's privacy settings forbid cookies from, you will not be able to log in to the catalog. For information on how to (re)enable cookies in your browser, click one of the links below:

Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox



RU librarians can help you at all stages of your research process. We can help you make a research plan, identify useful search tools, help evaluate sources you find, and much, much more. Even experienced researchers have questions, so never hesitate to ask for help.

Ways to seek help:

  • Looking for a quick answer, having problems logging in, or just prefer to Instant Message? Chat with a librarian.
  • Ask questions by email: Email a Librarian
  • Schedule a one-on-one appointment (indicate that you want a virtual meeting in the "Where would you like to meet?" box and we will schedule the meeting with you.
  • Phone:
    • Auditorium Building (312-341-3639)
    • Schaumburg (847-619-7980)
    • Performing Arts (312-341-3651)