Composer Last Name, Composer First Name. Title of score. Publisher, Date of Publication.
Thomas, Augusta Read. Chant. New York: G. Schirmer, 2006.
1. Composer First Name Composer Last Name, Title of score (Publisher, Date of Publication), page number.
1. Augusta Read Thomas, Chant (New York: G. Schirmer, 2006), 2.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Sonatas and Fantasies for the Piano. Prepared from the autographs and earliest printed sources by Nathan Broder. Rev. ed. Theodore Presser, 1960.
1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sonatas and Fantasies for the Piano, prepared from the autographs and earliest printed sources by Nathan Broder, rev. ed., Theodore Presser, 1960.
These should be treated like chapters in a book, or volumes in a collection of works.
Composer Last Name, Composer First Name. "Song," Title of score. In Collection Title, volume information. Edited by Name of Editor. Publisher, Date of Publication.
Schubert, Franz. “Das Wandern (Wandering),” Die schone Mullerin (The Maid of the Mill). In First Vocal Album (for high voice).G. Schirmer, 1895.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Title of Book, Collection Title, volume information, Name of editor, ed. (Publisher, Date of Publication), page numbers.
1. Franz Schubert, “Das Wandern (Wandering),” Die schone Mullerin (The Maid of the Mill), In First Vocal Album (for high voice). (G. Schirmer, 1895).
This is similar to an electronic book.
Composer Last Name, Composer First Name. Title of score or "Title of score" (as appropriate to title of the work) Publisher, Date of Publication.URL or Resource Title.
Beethoven, Ludwig van. String Quartet in B flat major op. 18 no. 6. Universal Edition. Philiharmonia series. E. F. Kalmus, 1937.
1. Composer First Name Composer Last Name, Title of score or "Title of score" (as appropriate to title of the work) (Publisher, Date of Publication), URL or Resource Title.
1. Ludwig van Beethoven, String Quartet in B flat major op. 18 no. 6, Universal Edition, Philharmonia series (E.F. Kalmus, 1937), 172.
Name of Manuscripts. Collection. University or Research Center. City.
Ralph Shapey Special Collections. Joseph Regenstein Library. University of Chicago.
1 First Last, "Item Name," score, Year, Collections, Institute, Larger University or City.
1 Ralph Shapey, "Partita for Violin and Thirteen Players," score, 1966, Special Collections, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago.